join us Inside The Small Business Bay
Reinvent your brand story, marketing path, and messaging to ignite beautiful business growth online.
Let’s do this!
Psst… We’ve opened up a new, Even more affordable way to join The Bay.
Continue to read to explore what The Bay is all about, and then be one of the first to join us at our brand new level 2 opportunity by clicking HERE for our temporary fast-action offer.
Hello Big-Hearted Friend!
Let me introduce you to the Bay…
Welcome to this exploration of The Small Business Bay, an immersive group coaching experience for women in business and big hearted female entrepreneurs. This is my heart behind The Small Business Bay for women and how it can transform your business!
It’s time to set you up for the next-level impact you were made to make in this world.
Whether you’re a coach or consultant, writer or speaker, fitness expert or therapist, bookkeeper or photographer, product creator or service provider…
You care DEEPLY about helping others through what you do.
And you want to step into more purpose, profit, and joy
as you impact the people who need you the most.
It’s time to turn your online presence into a space that draws your perfect clients + new opportunities with ease.
WITHOUT: awkward social trends, online overwhelm, marketing jargon, or having to chase the algorithm. (Can we get an amen!?)
Inside The Small Business Bay, we gently turn confusion, comparison, and doubts into a clear path forward as you transform your business online.
So you can breathe deep, watch your confidence SOAR, and…
… take the next right step, in the right order, at the right time.
It’s time to step into the calm waters of The Bay.
Sure, the online world is an amazing place to make connections and meet clients…
But where do you focus? What do you say?
And how do you truly GET FOUND by the people who need you the most?
A lack of clarity - what next? where to focus?
Trying to find enough clients, or better clients — ones you LOVE
Not having a grip on your marketing or messaging
Wondering how you can stand out in a sea of businesses online, especially if you want to do next-level things
The pressure to feel “salesey” or try awkward marketing trends that don’t fit your personality
Not being able to keep up with it all… there’s so much to do
Changing tech-trends and wondering how you fit in
Copying others methods, hiring help, or following all the “shoulds”
Piecing together multiple plans to try to get a grip on your content creation
Growing on your own, but still feeling like you’re living in the shadow of what you could be bringing to the world
But you’re still not seeing the results you want or feeling true joy in your business.
You’re tired of feeling overworked and under-paid or
you sense a pivot needs to be in your future — it’s time for change.
Maybe you even have a meaningful vision…
…but don’t feel equipped with the clear path — or even just the COURAGE — to do what’s next.
And Friend — you’re not alone
Growing a business in the online space without a deeply rooted plan…
… is like throwing beautiful confetti into an endless dark hole.
Let’s not waste your opportunity, talents, heart, & gifts — let’s help your “confetti” shine bright online!
One that’s like dropping the perfect “gourmet breadcrumbs” along a gorgeous path for your favorite client to find!
One that’s exactly right for YOU & your amazing, unique personality.
you don’t have to be the loudest voice online to get the attention your business needs. (Phew, right!?)
Which is why we filled a gap in supporting women like you, with the calm waters of
The Small Business Bay
our 8 month, high-touch program
a place to “tuck away from the waves,” grow + take action
When you think of a BAY, what comes to mind?
For me, it’s calm waters, beautiful scenery, a little adventure, exploring a new space, growing alongside still waters, and rest from the waves (while soaking up the sunshine).
How does that sound about now, Beautiful Friend?
That’s exactly how we want you to feel inside The Bay
(with an entrepreneur twist, of course!)
“The Bay” is our signature all-inclusive-resort-style coaching program (with group + high-touch 1-on-1 & done-for-you elements)
for women in business designed with EVERYTHING THEY NEED in one place to plant the deep roots to truly cultivate an online presence set up for next-level success.
Because Friend — I believe in what you have to offer…
…even if others don’t always understand your passion or desire to bring it to the world.
If we haven’t met, I’m Shannon
Owner here at Feather Blue Studios and founder of The Small Business Bay.
I’ve run multiple small businesses over 20 years, in more than one industry.
I’ve transitioned & pivoted more than once…grown new businesses from scratch… sold products from $9 to services of $9000.
And I feel so deeply called to serve caring, driven women like you
…through this unique coaching + done-for-you creative experience we’ve built inside The Small Business Bay.
I have had to face all-the-fears, feel all-the-feels, overcome difficulties, and embrace “growing slow” or “in bursts” depending on my season of life.
Through my own experiences, I’ve uncovered a method to show-up online that connects me to clients I love, allows me to meet powerful collaborators, & fuels exciting growth opportunities —
having to keep up on every crazy trend
feeling salesey
having a huge audience
or non-stop hustle-mode to get attention
And even better — you don’t have to do marketing just like me for it to work.
You can pick and choose from the flexible path we’ve created inside The Small Business Bay to ensure you find what works for YOU.
I see you, Beautiful:
You have unique experience, passions, and expertise
(even if you still doubt your own capabilities at times)
Maybe you wear other hats — friend, caretaker, volunteer — or even have another career or business role.
And sure — you probably feel the weight of the world at times (it’s heavy out there!).
But we’re here to make sure the weight of the world doesn’t stop you from soaring toward your dreams.
It’s time to step into SOMETHING MORE
Like never before.
We help big-hearted women like you
rise to the surface (float above the waves!) & THRIVE!
Without any REGRETS.
Because only YOU can bring exactly what you offer to the world.
THIS could be ahead…
Dream clients coming to you.
Feeling so proud of your online presence, visuals, and messaging that you can’t stop smiling
Having a simple marketing plan that makes sense, can go on repeat, and won’t wear you out
Exciting collaborations, features, & new opportunities knocking on your door
Being set up for that next-level thing (like writing, speaking, or leading)
Being able to confidently raise your prices or see more profit!
…or being able to give-back beyond your wildest imagination to causes you care about!
Where we surround your business from EVERY ANGLE to propel you forward…
(like a really great cup of chai tea with a great blanket and your fave notebook — making you feel cozy, caffeinated, and wildly inspired all at the same time!)
We bring you a HYBRID approach like none other.
our Hybrid approach =
group + 1-on-1 + done-for-you support
You’ll not only experience group coaching, feedback from experts (from myself & others), and deeply meaningful community…
but ALSO 1-on-1 coaching, and an intensive for done-for-you help with your tech &/or creative work (writing & design).
Friend — I don’t say this lightly…
I truly believe joining us inside The Bay could change your life.
We’ve designed it to grow YOU into an even more amazing calm & confident business CEO while you grow your brand online.
All within a cozy
community that is cheering you on…
So you can turn your frustrated sighs into squeals of CELEBRATION!
Because the truth is
(you are even more capable than you think, Beautiful Friend!)…
No one will KNOW …
…unless your online presence communicates it!
(In fact — most people make their first impression in 1/2 a second. Eeks!)
Which is why we’re here to GIVE YOU a full transformation.
Not just how you look online as a business owner (though that’s a big deal!)…
…but how you THINK as a small business CEO, and the CONFIDENCE YOU FEEL to truly make an impact in the world through your business.
Is it time to say yes to a business transformation & all the joys to come?
THEN it’s time to show yourSELF the commitment to getting there.
When you invest in yourself & immerse your business in The Bay…
you’re gifting yourself the motivation and space to
Here’s what you actually GET when you join this 8 month program, inside The Small Business Bay…

The Bay includes a crazy amount of VALUE in one place…
YOU COULD hire any (or ALL) of this expertise ONE BY ONE…
Going that route could look like:
Hiring a business coach, brand strategist, marketing team, graphic designer, copywriter, mindset coach, financial team, accountability group, tech support, stock photo library, legal training, and more!
You could easily spend up to $40,000+ to get all of these services, separately.
And even then, you’d have to start fresh with each new consultant, taking the time to explain your personality, your brand story, your purposes, your style…
(do you know how many intro questionnaires to fill out that is!?!?)
Let me tell you, the time & energy that part takes is FOR REAL, Friend!
The good news is…
even with a collaborative TEAM supporting you inside The BAY
we’re not going to ask you to invest anywhere near the $40,000 that you might otherwise…
…or even the 5K to 10K we’re told that this program should be priced, because it’s so multifaceted.
We want to help you use both YOUR TIME & MONEY wisely
Saving you MONTHS — if not YEARS…
Of trying to make this transformation on your own, or build out things piece by piece, or mis-matched course by course…
(not to mention all the potential wasted dollars!!)
Here’s the investment to join us inside The Bay…
(+ See BONUSES below!)
Choose to pay in full, in 4 payments, or monthly
$3250 in full
That’s like getting a coach, strategist, done-for-you creative work & tech support, a community, accountability, education, and more…
…at a FRACTION of the cost.
And there’s no other business program like it.
We’ve ALSO opened up a new, Even more affordable way to join The Bay.
Be one of the first to join us at our brand new level 2 opportunity by clicking HERE for our temporary fast-action offer (FEB 2025).
your 2 exciting bonuses!
A brand new website template (or web assessment & strategy call), partnering with Melissa of Carbon & Clay…
And access to Mikayla Taylor’s SEO mini course!
(to put into place so clients & customers can find you even easier — longterm)
And psst… one more FUN THANK-YOU, if you decide to choose the pay-in-full option >>>
(USA residents only - outside USA residents will receive an alternate thank-you credit).
permission to start feeling really excited about YOUR FUTURE, FRIEND!
I personally work with every woman inside The Bay, and can’t wait to hear your big dreams ahead…
This is Truly a no-pressure zone.
We only want to motivate you if you’re feeling the tug that this is right for you.
If you have questions — either about the program itself or to make sure this is a good fit — reach out via email or submit them on your application.
Once you get your application in, you’ll still have time to weigh your final decision and/or book a 1-on-1 discovery call to make sure this is the right opportunity for you.
Feeling that tug?
We want you to make a wise & discerning investment.
waiting and doing nothing (what will you never gain?)
still being stuck where you still are in 1 year. Or 5. or 10.
back-tracking or having to do things over
lost income because you’re not setup to sell, serve, or connect with your best client
piecing together separate expense or time commitments into one, long expensive string
and lost time toward bringing your dreams, legacy, and impact to life
not to mention the regrets!
Every day you wait is lost opportunity, more confusion, lost time, and the potential of massive lost income with it.
And we know some of you are saying, “I’ll wait for the perfect timing”…
But Friend — rarely does anything new feel like “the right timing.”
Life just keeps happening (often in busy & chaotic ways).
As the saying goes, the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago… the next best time is TODAY.
It’s your job to say YES to the STARTING LINE that’s going to set you up for longterm success!
(And it’s our job to walk you through the process, so you can let go of the worry, and just follow the next right step, in the right order, at the right time).
One baby step at a time.
Ultimately Friend, we want you to see
an abundance of clients, sales, & fresh opportunities online
Making a ripple-effect of world-changing impact along the way.
In this day & age, that means you need to EARN TRUST & CONNECTION ONLINE (in seconds!)…
If your business isn’t putting the right messaging into the world (in the most compelling way possible)…
…your online presence is working AGAINST YOU.
And then you’re doing a disservice to the audience that needs you the most.
The people who need & desire what you bring to the world.
We can help you change all that… inside The Small Business Bay.
Without a doubt…
YOU & your BIG dreams + the people you want to serve… MATTER.
And when things MATTER…
…you take good care of them.
Which is exactly what we want to help you do.
Feeling the tug that the Bay might be right for you?
Maybe you’re feeling butterflies of excitement and the swelling of hope, mixed with a little fear…
Feel ya. BEEN THERE.
“Could what I want to ACCOMPLISH be on the other side of this experience?”
We’re ready to welcome you in!
sail your ship (aka you!) to shore for a WHILE, park in the bay, anchor, re-fuel
…and build-out (or rejuvenate) this whole online business thing.
With deep purpose & real results.
(And, quite honestly, someone to talk through decisions or hand things off to once in awhile.)
Without a doubt…
The Bay is designed to save you thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours
surrounding you with so many elements & expertise.
But if you’re wondering…”Do I really need EVERYTHING here?”
The truth is, you might not need EVERY element of The Bay
(in fact, you might already be an expert in one of these areas!)
…the value is still AMAZING and we expect you will see impactful, life-changing transformation.
Dear Big-Hearted Friend,
Let me wrap up this page by speaking even more personally for just a minute.
First of all, I created The Bay because I feel deeply called to serve you — to help giving, compassionate, big-hearted women like you live out the most confident and fulfilling version of YOURSELF.
No matter what you believe — I deeply believe your talents & personality are unique gifts from God, who designed you with purpose — and I want to see you live those out that purpose to the FULLEST — for your own joy and for the good of those around you!
I know that making big decisions can feel scary at times (I have been there!). I know that taking a leap feels like jumping out into the unknown.
But what if… what if that “unknown” and brave choice started you along an astoundingly beautiful journey…
What if your future, your confidence, your impact, your legacy could look wonderfully differently — in the very best of ways?
Let’s get something straight…. I do not “have it all figured out.” Goodness, no. We’re all in this thing together, helping each other along the way.
I’m also NOT naturally brave, in case you were wondering. Courage is a growth process, one that I have intentionally chosen, because I feel passionate about using my gifts & talents in this world to help others (rather than hiding them).
I can say in all honesty, the most personal & business growth I have ever experienced happened when I:
invested money in myself & business (the motivation)
surrounded myself with community & accountability (the joy)
had a deadline / finish line in sight (the commitment)
Which is why The Bay has all three of those & more — because I can’t emphasize enough how much I want to see you follow through, grow, and succeed.
I have thought deeply about how to put all of what you need into one cozy space — and while I am always adding or improving (trial & error is a normal thing!) — The Bay is my vision come to life for serving big-hearted women like you.
I hope you’ll consider joining us.
Cheering you on!
With Purpose & Joy,
And PS: We LOVE putting OUR money where our mouth is
>>> toward world-changing causes, that is.
(Ones that affect other women — body, mind, & soul).
$100 from each PARTICIPANT of The Bay will go toward:
We are proudly a GIVE-BACK BUSINESS and regularly use our “Giving Vault” to support organizations that align with our heart, which often include:
Stories Foundation (above)
World Vision (funding women who need small business loans in developing countries),
Emerge Mothers (helping single moms create a better life for themselves and their kids)
and other local charities & ministries that directly impact women & children
Thank you for being part of that ripple effect
Have questions?
Of course you do! So very happy to help…
(Click on any given question in our FAQ below to pull down an answer).
And when you apply — there’s room to list any questions or concerns there too, or request a no-pressure connect call to get them answered (if that feels good to you).
FAQ section:
+ What type of business is this for?
Even though we gear more toward helping entrepreneurs with original products & services (like coaches, accountants, therapists, creatives, wellness professionals, bookkeepers, etc), we have also helped women in direct marketing businesses or under umbrella brands (like insurance, etc) who are open to building out their own brand story and online presence (around their own interests) and letting their product be seen as a side-accent (ultimately making their new followers more curious, excited, and ready to invest). If you have questions about whether your product or service is a good fit for this program, mention it in the application.
+ When does the program start?
We generally get our next round of women settled into The Bay near the beginning of the following month and give you access to an intro training so you are prepared & excited for what to expect.
+ What are the stages of this program?
During your “mini creative intensive” (as included in most packages) we’ll tackle whatever your business needs most… this could be designing social square template, writing content for you, website copywriting, designing a pdf or freebie. Or even helping you with a full color / logo rebrand. And if you need tech-support most of all, we can use that to bring in our tech team as well. We will pre-discuss your intensive to make sure you get the most our of it!
Note: For greatest impact, we will most likely schedule the intensive for 4-6 months into your journey, after you’ve completed enough modules to know the full scope of your brand story.
The intention is that by the end of this program we would love for you to have a full brand story (messaging you can put on repeat that feels meaningful, makes you feel confident & comfortable, & is ready to draw clients in with ease), a full visual online presence (social media plan, visually on-brand, & doable for you), updates to your website (whether you just need revisions or start this from scratch, that you can cut & paste together yourself or work with our team on), and a simple marketing stepping stone plan that you know how to run on repeat (or hire someone to run for you!) and access to our signature content planning system that will make social simple.
In addition to that, we hope you will walk away with a completely transformed mindset on what’s possible for you and your business, what it means to truly live out your gifts and talents with joy.
And with our bonus topics… how to organize your money for profit & purpose, administrative & legal know-how, and lifelong tools to help you feel calm as you balance your work, life, family, & things that matter to you.
Taking a business online (or growing it online) can feel intimidating & personal. We lean into methods that allow you to live out your purpose & passion through your business online in a way that doesn’t feel as scary as it might seem right now, while still getting you amazing results. You will leave with an entirely different perspective on how to use social media, without the constant “feeling behind” or “comparing yourself” to others, or thinking you need “a gazillion followers” (you do not) in order to have a profitable business.
We also hope you’ll leave the program knowing yourself more than ever before, and with a wide array of life skills to keep you emotionally & mentally well through any & all challenges that come your way. We care about your WHOLE BEING & truly want this to be a customized, cozy experience for more than just your business.
Ultimately you should be set up for that next purposeful, profitable thing… feeling confident that you and your business look & sound the part to take you further (in a way that aligns for you!)
We want to keep you moving & motivated (because we’re here to help you make things happen!!) However, unlike other programs that rush you to hustle hard, we highly value BALANCE, which means at times you will work in bursts, and other times you will work slower.
Friend: you are always right where you need to be.
You may want to invest around 4-8 hours a week, depending on the week, your own schedule, and where you are in the program.
A sample of what this might look like:
listening to one module on your own each week (in either the brand & marketing tract or another business-building tract, such as finances)
spending some time filling out your workbook for that week
jumping on our group coaching call every-other week (or listening to the replay while you do the dishes)
implementing some tangible steps or projects based on what you’ve learned
jumping in the group once a week for 15-20 minutes to connect, get refueled, share updates as you like, etc.
(And we get it — it’s unlikely you’ll be consistent each week, life happens and that’s normal — we have intentional “off-weeks” to catch up)
And as you get further into the program, you will want to spend more time implementing (or handing projects off to your very own, hands-on creative to do for you!).
It will not be a straight, fluid path.
But we want to keep you taking those baby steps!
And please know — strong roots take TIME to build…
“Growing slow” is a happy phrase around here and doing things in the RIGHT ORDER will set you up for the most deeply-rooted longterm success.
Beautiful Friend, you are likely way more capable & qualified than you think. We ALL doubt & downplay our own abilities & skills. But the truth is, if you’re just a half-step ahead of whoever you need to teach, coach, help, create for, or encourage, you have something that someone needs help with, or something that will bring beauty & joy to the world! Why not set yourself up so that they can invest their time & money with you… a win-win all around.
The truth is — we believe you were gifted with something unique and that there’s a way to bring that to the world (& to the exact right people!) that is valuable (for both them & for you!). Let us help you learn to step into that.
If you’re excited, but genuinely not sure you’re ready to get started, fill out the application (it’s not a commitment!) and we’ll give you an honest evaluation of whether we think you’re a good fit.
Maybe or maybe not! This is for you to decide. The truth is, rarely does the timing every feel “right.” (If not now, when?) Often we just have to jump in and make the pre-made decision to set ourselves up for success down the road; the pre-made decision to be accountable.
The women we tend to serve inside The Bay are perhaps just like you — they have REAL LIVES, hardships, families, commitments, set-backs (but also big hearts and the desire to move forward).
Most business-building is just doing what you can, when you can, and above all — keeping going!
Why wait, when you can get a HEAD START now, in a space that will push you but not make you “feel behind.”
And besides, this rate & these inclusions will never get any better than they are right now — this is the BEST investment you’ll ever have the option to make for THIS MUCH VALUE.
“The best time to plant a tree was 10 years ago; the next best time is TODAY.”
This is entirely for you to decide. We want you to make wise money decisions, but we also want to remind you that entrepreneurship in & of itself is a risk and an investment, and that’s how it pays dividends when it succeeds.
You absolutely CAN piece together a business on your own, and we are so happy to encourage you to give it a try!! Go watch all the YouTube videos, learn all the things, and go for it!
But the truth is — even then, you’re missing the sense of community, accountability, and expert direction that most far-along entrepreneurs would tell you was their key component to success — or helped them get to where they wanted to go FASTER & LESS-EXPENSIVELY (in the long-run).
The longer it takes you to build out your business and draw the right clients, the more INCOME YOU’RE MISSING OUT ON.
And lost-income can add up a lot quicker than the pre-investment it might take you to avoid it.
For me personally — having someone to bounce things off of so that I stop the second-guessing in my head is one of the HUGE key factors to continually being in an entrepreneurial community I can trust.
This program is without a doubt designed to include the PACKED-IN VALUE for those who want to invest in this all-in-one experience (at an amazing value) and the commitment to getting it done, and that’s totally OK if that’s not you. We are still cheering you on!
We also know that when you invest money here at The Bay, you are not just paying to work toward a “finished online business presence” — you are investing in accountability, peace of mind, years of our own training multiplied (& the thousands of dollars we’ve spent on coaches & marketing expertise ourselves!), new community, people pushing you to the finish line, a sense of mental wellness & encouragement, and elements of professional-level creative services (GOLDEN!!) — all in one beautiful, cozy experience.
And… you are investing in YOU. In the gifts & talents & expertise you’ve been give (or earned).
It may help you to remember that investing in say, a college degree, is completely normalized, even though it costs tens-of-thousands (or hundreds-of-thousands) of dollars… why? because it sets individuals up to do something they love & make a living at it.
Investing in your business is the same way (& really, way less expensive, right?)
Yes! If you’d like you can purchase an additional mini creative intensive, or a full-day intensive.
We are a full-service marketing team at your fingertips, and if you decide you want to invest more to have more things taken off your plate, we’re here for you!!
You can inquire about our current rates anytime throughout your time in The Bay.
Much of the brand & marketing strategy + mindset & wellness teaching + business foundations will apply to any online business, anywhere. However: the set-up / legal / trademark training we will be providing will be aimed toward businesses in the United States due to variations in policies from country to country. The program is probably most geared overall toward women in the U.S. + Canada, however if you are outside of these locations, but really want to be part of The Bay, please note so on your application and we’ll let you know before it’s all final to make sure we genuinely feel we can help you! All rates are listed in USD.
Beautiful Friend, we don’t want you to have an experience that isn’t for you. This is why, rather than put down a deposit, we’d love for you to fill out the PRE-APPLICATION first, so we can ensure you genuinely are a good fit to most likely see completion and success.
Once you join The Bay (after a deposit is paid & contract signed), you will immediately get access to copyrighted, exclusive training program materials, which makes refunds difficult to execute for privacy reasons.
However, if you join The Bay and show genuine attempt at taking action within 30 days, and then decide it’s not for you, we will handle “conditional refunds” after that 30 day point on a case-by-case basis, with keeping a minimum of 10% of the full program rate as a deposit since you had exposure to all our training materials (and we may have already re-invested some of your investment into paying our team, if we accounted for you in the program).
Like any program, we provide abundant tools, but you have to take action, and there is no guarantee. You must do the work necessary on your end (and effectively communicate with Shannon and team when you need support) to get the results you personally desire.
We believe, though, that once you have decided The Bay is for you, you will dive in (into calm, shallow waters!) and fall in love with the full-service experience we want to spoil you with, as we walk you through this entire experience in a fun & joy-fueled way!!
Some final kind words from women I’ve supported in business — both inside and outside The Bay.