Sometimes the world is weird, your weeks are busy, the news is chaotic, and you're wondering where you fit in at all (or how to focus and see traction in your business).
Here's the thing -- when you remember this one thing, everything is OK. >>>>
​​Lean into your big-hearted PURPOSE.
It doesn't matter how great your marketing funnel is, or if you can copy the next gurus ideas or jump on the next trend, or what the heck is going on around you...
If you aren't leaning into your purpose.
Sure, you might see temporary "success" by jumping on a bandwagon that others think you should, but then you'll feel the grind and start the cycle of frustrated striving all over again.
But if you truly WANT:
Longterm joy?
A schedule you love?
A heart of fulfillment in your work?
A profitable business that fuels your love of giving back and serving others?
The freedom to let go of comparison and stay in your own lane?
Those things are HARD when you're:
feeling stuck
copycatting someone else
caught up worrying about all the things you can't control
or are making all your decisions based on what other people think (and not the real you).
Yikes -- those have some weight, don't they?
Spoiler alert: The world doesn't need more copycats.
It doesn't need you to worry about the things you can't do anything about (there are a lot of them - near and far).
It doesn't need you working a gazillion hours for barely any profit.
It needs more of you doing what you do best.
While living a life of joy -- so that you can pour out joy along the journey.
For some of you -- that's enough said. For others, you're still feeling lost -- purpose, what's that?!?
​Getting in touch with your purpose means getting to know the one and only, beautiful you!