Friend – if you’re facing a pivot or a brave change in your business, you’re probably dealing with decisions galore and maybe some fears or hesitancies too, alongside weighing where to take bold action to get you toward your future dreams.
Let me share a little bit of what’s helped me…
Once upon a time, what feels like ages ago now, I had decided to take my business in a new direction.
While that is easy to type right now, it wasn't easy to conquer at the time.
I was super excited about my new direction, but I was having a hard time making decisions (sooooo many decisions to make, and just me to make them!!)
I was also scared (about so many things). Worried about what people would think. Worried about the financial elements. Overwhelmed.
What did I do at the time? I bravely invested in a small business mastermind -- with a price-tag that felt, well, next-level.
It doesn't really matter if it was $50, $500, $5000, or $50,000 -- all that mattered is that it felt like a STRETCH to me at the time.
I got together with a group of 4 other women and a facilitator (we met just 3 or 4 times -- in person!) and we each talked about where we were, set goals, and dreamed about where we wanted to be.
Then we DID. You know >> did. The stuff on our lists.
We often didn't hit our goals.
And I know this sounds silly: but that wasn't really the biggest benefit. Goal-hitting, that is. It was the AIMING.
The GOING FOR IT. The DOING. By setting big goals and taking action we were all choosing to move forward. Maybe not as fast as our big-dreaming, goal-scheming minds hoped, but moving forward none-the-less. (Versus not moving anywhere at all).
The takeaway here:
By having a community with like-minded female entrepreneurs to run things by, I was making clearer decisions and moving forward FASTER.
And by goal-setting with a timeline, I was ACHIEVING far more quickly than I would have on my own.
At that earlier point in my business, I had experienced many online trainings and attended a fair number of live workshops and events.
...but I had never before experienced the power of an INTERACTIVE, CLOSE-KNIT COMMUNITY (amongst likeminded small business women).
Visionary, big-dreaming women who truly GOT me and what I was trying to do!!
Women who listened. Who let me be myself. Who let me grow messily.
Since then, Entrepreneur Friend, I've invested in community and coaching and accountability several times over.
Every single one of these opportunities (read, at the time: very scary investments!) has moved me forward.
None has been perfect. All have been impactful.
And while yes, my profit has grown and yes, as business owners, our bottom line matters, when I look back, the income goals are not what I've valued most.
What I have personally valued the most is being pushed to move boldly toward using my gifts and talents in bigger ways.
Because I deeply desire to be a world-changer, a servant-leader, and a wildly-motivating encourager -- in my business and my life.
I could have sat waiting. I could have watched more videos and listened to more trainings. I could have chosen to keep going -- on my own.
But I wanted to PROPEL my business forward. I wanted to give my new idea(s) a try!!!
And I wanted to make sure I was held accountable to TAKE ACTION.
I made the CHOICE.
The choice to say >> I could re-invent my future
The choice to say >> my TIME was valuable.
The choice to say >> the ideas I had were worth going for.
The choice to say >> I wanted to plant new seeds and watch them BLOOM.
What you might need to hear today is that you can:
choose brave
face fears
get unstuck
move past overwhelm
grow your business faster (or slower)
feel understood
make an impact you haven't yet dreamed of (wow, is that one real to me)
make a brave pivot
define your business title as something new
add or take away from your business for more freedom & joy.
CHANGE is possible. If you want it.