Meet Jen, Her Story Could Be Yours | Client Story | Pivoting a Business Online for Women

Today I want to share Jen’s story with you. Jen is brilliant, big-hearted, and has been a business owner for years.

But she was feeling stuck, trapped, and burnt-out in her work as a VA (virtual assistant) and OBM (online business manager) and knew she needed to break out of the cycle and find a fresh start.

Jen felt drawn to my brand and graciously hired me as her 1-on-1 strategist and coach (which includes access to our signature program, The Small Business Bay).

What Jen uncovered (with some insider insight) was that a life of so much more was available to her. More freedom, more money, a more aligned brand, and more purpose & joy in her work.

We did the work, overcame what was holding her back, mapped out a new plan, bounced creative & messaging ideas off each other, creating a strategy, and ultimately out of it — a new brand story and simplified marketing plan were born!

Here's a glimpse from her
new website...

I did an interview with Jen, and here are some snippets you might enjoy from our conversation (and from her website)...

What made you decide to work with me and Feather Blue Studios?

I was trying to pivot out... but I really needed someone who could see my heart and how I wanted to serve. Which is actually why I chose you as opposed to someone else... I was looking for the right fit.

How would you describe our time together?

I want to say a fresh a breath of fresh air, which seems like contrite but it's not...I have worked with a lot of coaches in the online space [who want you to do things there way], and it was just really good to get down to the roots of my business... my true purpose. What I really enjoy doing; what I don't enjoy doing.

How were you feeling before we started working together?

I was feeling overloaded, overworked, under-appreciated... I was tired and I was stressed out ... trapped...

And how are you feeling now?

It feels incredible. I have less client work;  I'm making more money than I was making before. And my social media is done a month in advance because I have a system... where I'm just refreshing certain things... so much freedom there. I was able to get an additional client at a much higher rate... which took me into a whole other bracket.

What would you just tell somebody else what would you tell them to expect if they were working with me 1-on-1 or inside The Bay?

Expect there to be work and to and to do the work. But within that, expect grace and freedom, because Shannon leads and guides with a "how do you want to approach this?" [attitude]. She really allows you to open up and be yourself...It's also important to take the steps forward and really walk through the mess while you're still serving and have it be okay... the mess is okay and expected...

I have been in business for 12 years... theoretically I know all the things to do. I just didn't know how to get from one place to the other (and gracefully without offending anybody [like my current clients]... but standing in my own self).

What feels like the biggest transformation to you?

[My business is] more aligned to who I am, not who I think I should be...I've shifted into this space where I know [confidently] how I'm going to show up.

How did having The Small Business Bay (our signature group program) be an accent to your one-on-one coaching influence your experience?

It made the work that we did more focused. [I have] completely new messaging, and it was a partnership between the work I was doing in the Bay, having [my projects] reviewed [inside The Bay], and then really getting to sit and talk with Shannon about it. I really enjoyed the collaboration of it…

— (end of interview) —

What a freeing journey, right, Friends?

We helped Jen mentally and physically step into a "promotion" as an Operations-focused Consultant.  Sometimes this element is harder than it seems… giving ourselves permission to step into something new.

To pivot our business.

Jen is an amazing resource in her new mission: Helping established businesses streamline their operations and reclaim their time, so they can focus on high impact tasks, increase profits, and create exceptional client experiences while empowering their team to do more so they have more long-term growth and success.

Don't you love the sound of her new messaging?

The key takeaways of our time together are that:

  • Jen got CLARITY on her new direction

  • has ended up working LESS hours (she even finds herself taking breaks now)

  • while making MORE money

  • and drawing NEW clients (one who almost doubled her previous rate)

  • with a NEW TITLE that is so much more aligned with her skills and gifts (we gave her a promotion!)

  • that has led to a REFRESHED brand, online presence, and all new messaging that connects

This could be your story too! Thinking of pivoting for your business? Feel like it’s time to uplevel the small business you’ve started? Want to take your business from local to online?

We can help you carve out what your new direction, business, and brand can look like so much faster and more effectively than if you try to do it yourself.

So that you’re drawing the right clients sooner, leaning into more purpose + profit quicker, and making the impact you were made to make along the way.

Why? Because as entreprenuers we get in our own head, overthink, and get stuck on decisions we can breeze through with the right feedback. A strategic outside perspective is what will help you cultivate a brand that connects with your new perfect audience — and quickly.

Get in touch if you’re interested in working together 1-on-1.(   We offer 1-on-1 strategy and coaching, with the option of done-for-you services built-in.

And our signature group program, The Small Business Bay, is designed to help women like you find all those things above in one beautiful space, but within a group setting.


Jen shared a few other things I want you to hear as well:

>>> "If I had just hired Shannon from the beginning I could have saved myself thousands of dollars and hours I spent on other coaches."

>>> “Your style & teaching is so freeing… so different than what anyone else teaches… matter of fact and straightforward and firm but gentle at the same time."

But of all the things she's said, this one is my favorite:

"[Even with] all the coaches I've had over the years, I've never really felt seen... and I felt like Shannon saw me."


Follow Jen online!

(Maybe she’s exactly the gem you've been looking for! Or at the very least, grab some systems and operations takeaways from her on the 'gram...)


And if you want more resources from us…

Grab a free small business strategy resource to get started at

Or shop one of our breakthrough tools here:

Cheering you on!

With Purpose & Joy!

Strategic Brand & Marketing Support for Small Businesses